
            After the successful P4P conference in 2019, we decided to continue the tradition and organize the Second Physics for Physicists (P4P) Students Conference! We invite all physics students and young scientists from South-East Europe to come join us and learn something new, meet other physics students and exchange experiences and, of course, have fun and explore our faculty and our beautiful country! 


General information

             P4P 2022 will take place from 27th to 29th October 2022 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje, R. N. Macedonia. The conference will be split into 3 parts over the course of 3 days. Students will have the chance to listen to lectures from a few of our assistants and professors, as well as present a short talk and/or a poster about their own field of research/society/institution (or just an interesting physics topic) as well.

             Students will also be able to engage in fun group activities, games and workshops. Field trips around the city of Skopje and other towns and landmarks will also be organized for anyone who is interested. 



              A preliminary version of the programme is posted in the programme page on the left. Note that this version can be changed. Detailed information about the talks and presentations (names of presenters and topics) will be posted in the news page. 



             The accommodation for the first 30 applicants for 3 nights will be covered (first come-first served policy). The rest of the applicants will have to cover their accommodation, by either choosing from the options we will provide or find suitable accommodation on their own. All of the available places will be in Skopje, near the faculty.
             The available options and detailed information about them will be posted on the website. 



             The participants will also have to provide their transportation to Skopje. We will provide more information about available options for plane, train and bus tickets. We will also give detailed information about commuting around Skopje with public bus transport as well as maps to ensure everyone gets around the city easily. 



              There is no participation fee for the conference. 


Eligibility and deadlines

             The conference is open to all physics students (Bachelor, Masters and PhD), students in physics related fields and young scientists.

            The official language of the conference is English.

            The application for participants will be open from 20th August to 2nd October 16th October.
            The applications for student talks and posters will be open from 20th August to 9th October 20th October. 

             For any questions, feel free to contact us: p4p2022contact@gmail.com      

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